For free parking, please follow the driving directions below. The studio is located on an unmarked driveway, just past the intersection of S. Myrtle & Martin Luther King Way.

5-min walk from the OTHELLO lightrail station.


GPS will take you to the back of the building for pedestrian access only. For free parking in front of the studio, follow the directions below.

Free Parking / Directions

The studio is a quick turn (north) just after the main intersection of Martin Luther King Way & S. Myrtle street. This turn is for an unmarked driveway.

  1. Go to the intersection of Martin Luther King Jr. Way and S. Myrtle street
  2. Turn onto Myrtle Street
  3. Turn north onto the unmarked driveway just past the main intersection
  4. Follow the driveway to Building 7009
  5. There is free parking available at Studio #1 (parking spots 1-2-3)
7009 42nd Ave S;  Seattle, WA